Sleep can feel so elusive at times. Especially when our minds are working overtime…
If you want power over your immune system you need to develop your nervous system…
The ego does a fabulous job at keeping you safe. However, this poses a problem when…
If you’ve not heard of the Blue Zones, they’re diverse regions of the world that are home to some of the world’s oldest people…
One of the first questions I often receive from women that I coach is “do I have to give up my coffee?”
There’s nothing like being on retreat to bring you back to simplicity – and the Zen of eating. There’s a famous Zen saying “When I eat, I eat; when I sleep, I sleep.” Do you?
It blows my mind almost daily how the ancient Indian knowledge of Ayurveda is amazingly applicable today…
From as early as 1000AD there has existed a term to describe what drives us to go faster – what makes us do/be more – than we are well-eq…
Did you know that according to Ayurveda, 85% of disease starts with digestion? When our digestion is working well it frees up energy…